Your New Family Member
Adopting a puppy is an exciting and rewarding journey! They quickly become beloved family members who are eager to join in on all your adventures. Wolki Schnauzers is a breeding program that strives to breed the healthiest and happiest Mini Schnauzers possible.
Hannah-Leigh Wolki
Please contact us for puppy availability
Bringing a puppy into the world is not something to do carelessly or on a whim.
We take our responsibilities seriously and hope that you, a future dog owner, will too.

“Bonnie is fitting in with our family wonderfully. She is a beautiful, affectionate, loyal and caring little lady. She is already loved dearly and we find ourselves caught up watching her and Spartacus, our sausage dog, play together.
Thanks again.”
“Tonnie has grown into a loving, gentle, loyal dog. She has always joined us for dog friendly family outings and likes to make herself known to other dogs. She has a very social nature and enjoys the company of other dogs and humans outside the family. Tonnie loves a cuddle on the couch and quickly responds to simple commands. When outside, Tonnie is never far away from Buddy, our labrador, or our sons, and is very much part of our family.”
We couldn’t imagine life without our Miniature Schnauzer, Spoke. She’s brought us so much love and joy.
We’ve always loved having a dog being a part of our family but the best dog by far is our Spoke.
She’s got a beautiful nature, is very loyal and can be quite protective but still friendly. She’s happy to just be doing whatever we are doing, whether it’s going for a run, coming in to work with us or just sitting on the lounge watching tv.
Schnauzers are also very easy to train and we’ve never had any issues with Spoke.
I couldn’t recommend more highly having a Mini Schnauzer.
wolki schnauzers community
All new Wolki Schnauzer owners are added to a private facebook group. The group is a community where people can ask questions, share some tips and tricks and most importantly, post updates! Owners will be able to see photos and videos of their dogs litter mates growing up and some people even organise puppy play dates together.
About Me
Family owned, family raised
It all started in 2016 when a few family members adopted Mini Schnauzers. I was amazed how how versatile they were for such small dogs. They were happy to go on long runs and also happy to sit on the couch all day. They are a very healthy breed of dog and highly intelligent and loyal.
Once I started researching dog breeding, I became aware of how unethical the breeding industry is and I wanted to make a change. This is where the Wolki Schnauzers breeding program begun!
It became my mission to breed the healthiest, happiest dogs I could. My goal is to be extremely transparent with people so they know where their pet is coming from and the conditions they are raised in. By raising the standards, I hope people demand more transparency from all breeders.
I look forwarded to keeping in touch and seeing the puppies grow up,
Hannah-Leigh Wolki